Personal Finance · 02. October 2024
August started in the deep red until the FED decided to cut interest rates by half a percentage point. After that, the market rallied and the month closed with a plus, +1.42%. I bought the usual iShares Europe for 3,295 Euro in the month. I could have split that amount on 2 ETFs but did not want to pay the additional transaction fee, despite being quite low with Trade Republic.
Personal Finance · 01. September 2024
The 400K Euro threshold still stands in August! At the end of the first week the portfolio value dropped to 377K Euro, but almost everything was gained back in the remaining 3 weeks. Again, my dream to start buying a bit cheaper did not materialize. I bought some Vanguard North America for 1,050 Euro and some Bitcoin for 499 Euro (it was more for the cheap commission than anything least this is what I am telling myself)
Personal Finance · 03. August 2024
In July we are still above the 400k Euro mark, even improving a bit (+0.89%) and with no investments in the month. Until the middle of the month, the numbers looked even more positive but the second half wiped clean most of that.
Personal Finance · 01. July 2024
And we have crossed the 400K Euro mark for the first time! June showed again a plus sign, more than 11K Euro and 2.87% growth. I was not expecting the first of the year to be like this (+11% or 40K Euro of capital gain...), especially considering the "sticky" inflation we keep having in important parts of the world. I bought iShares Europe for around 3.3K Euro as the only movement of the month.
Personal Finance · 09. June 2024
After a small decline in April, May goes back to growth and more than makes up for the loss of last month. More than 9K Euro absolute gain and a +2.34% is quite good as rebound. I was able to invest 3,029 Euro in iShares Emerging Markets, getting closer and closer to 400K of portfolio value (with 320K Euro invested as original capital).
Personal Finance · 02. May 2024
April for the first time in 2024 shows a minus sign (-1.83% or 7K Euro)! A very small correction compared to the rally of the last months, but maybe this could point to a change in direction? The inflation is still stubbornly high in USA, so a lot of people are reconsidering the interest rates cuts that the FED might do in the next months. This month I was able to invest 1.750 Euro in iShares Core Europe. I basically took the dividends lying around and reinvested them for the first time on...
Personal Finance · 02. April 2024
The market rally continues undisturbed in March as well with a +3.28%. Year to date, the portfolio value has increase by 7.60% or 27,018 Euro. Personally, the most welcomed news is the return to investing with approximately 14,599 Euro in the month. I still went for the traditional geographical split across regions - North America (1,600 Euro), Europe (3,500 Euro) and Emerging Markets (3,500 Euro). However, I also spent some money into Crypto - Bitcoin and Ethereum (6,000 Euro in total). Now...
Personal Finance · 02. March 2024
After a positive January, February also showed an upside and even greater than the previous month with an overall gain of 3.28%.
Personal Finance · 31. January 2024
The market keeps surprising me and another month in the positive is in the bag. Contrary to my expectations, January posted a +1.42%. I was not able to invest though, so I kind of broke my streak (winter holidays are mostly to blame for this :-) ).
Personal Finance · 02. January 2024
December has continued the upward trend of November and delivered a 3,64% increase, worth almost 12,000 Euro. I was able to keep investing in this month as well, buying iShares Emerging Markets for 1,717 Euro, with some help from the last months dividends. In December, they accounted for around 542 Euro.

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