
My Portfolio - January 2023



The first month of 2023 has seen quite a rebound vs December 2022 and the performance has been positive across the board. Starting the year with a 5.78% increase and 14,500 Euro of capital gain helps but we are still far away from the peaks of late 2021.


As I mentioned in the last blog post, keeping the investments high in 2023 will be difficult as the cost base has exploded. In fact, the only investments I could do in January are not related to my income directly but to other "ad-hoc" factors (e.g. savings from my wife and rent from real estate - for which I still have a mortgage).


The first investment went into Vanguard All-World ACC (2,900 Euro) and the second one into iShares Core MSCI World ACC (3,500 Euro). I will not be able to replicate them any time soon.


In terms of dividends, not much happened in January, with only iShares Emerging Markets paying 146 Euro, a similar amount to last year. I bought more of this ETF in 2022 but the dividend payout was lower, resulting in a net-zero effect. The "unpredictability" of the dividends payout is one of the downsides of a dividend-focused strategy, not that I am aiming for that but I am experiencing it myself as well. 


I hope to be able to invest back in February but I am not sure yet - I am expecting a big one off to come my way but let´s see the timing!

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