After a small decline in April, May goes back to growth and more than makes up for the loss of last month. More than 9K Euro absolute gain and a +2.34% is quite good as rebound.
I was able to invest 3,029 Euro in iShares Emerging Markets, getting closer and closer to 400K of portfolio value (with 320K Euro invested as original capital).

Also dividends were good this month, coming in at 794 Euro and growing 19% compared to last year. The bulk comes from iShares Europe with 771 Euro and Apple makes up the rest. iShares Clean Energy will be counted in June as I did not get the money in the account before the end of the month.
Overall, we have already crossed the 5K Euro divididends in the last 12 months rolling and this means an average payout of 425 Euro per month.
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