The 400K Euro threshold still stands in August! At the end of the first week the portfolio value dropped to 377K Euro, but almost everything was gained back in the remaining 3 weeks. Again, my dream to start buying a bit cheaper did not materialize.
I bought some Vanguard North America for 1,050 Euro and some Bitcoin for 499 Euro (it was more for the cheap commission than anything least this is what I am telling myself)

Dividends were good, coming in at 701 Euro thanks to iShares Europe (678 Euro) and Apple (23 Euro). The growth year-on-year is steady around 21%, which means I should be able to hit more or less 6,0K Euro by the end of the year. That would be a fine 500 Euro / month of dividends, not bad!
Write a comment
Michal (Thursday, 12 September 2024 11:50)
Hi there, just leaving a mark letting you know that your insights and the consistency is very motivational and I appreciate you sharing it within your blog. Started reading your posts back in 2022 when I started with ETFs and continue to do so. I review your progress every couple of months and appreciate the transparency.
All the best from Ireland!
Ordinary Guy (Friday, 13 September 2024 09:46)
Thanks a lot Michal, appreciate your comment!